Episode 105: Limitless! Being able to see beyond our 'self'

Uncategorized Jul 19, 2023

"Bring a hundred percent of yourself and trust God to do the rest."

This week on The Untamed Life, I’m challenging and stretching your vision on how we view and ultimately limit ourselves. We are infinite creative beings designed for growth and creation, yet we get attached to external things that we have established our identity around - the very definition of building your castle on sand. 

Something exponential shifts in us when we stop asking, “Who am I?” and start asking, “God, who are You?” Begin to explore what’s possible in our union with God by spending time in solitude to get to know yourself and remember what lights you up.

Part 3 of the Identity Series reminds us to develop core confidence and identity that will remain when everything else is stripped away. I touch on how to develop our core identity, including:

  • Having a meeting with your future self
  • How to become comfortable with our own words, decisions + authenticity

Who we are - our identity - affects every relationship we have: with God, our spouses, our children, our colleagues. Join me on August 11 for the Relationship Mastery - Art of COMMUNICATION 1/2 day workshop. RSVP now https://www.thechristinejewell.com/relationship-workshop to break down communication barriers that limit our God-given ability to CREATE + MULTIPLY within the relationships in our lives.



To learn more about private or group coaching, apply here. https://linktr.ee/christinejewell


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LinkedIn: https://ca.linkedin.com/in/christine-jewell-9361612a

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCauEds9jbgKCbJMZHjwEMug

Website: https://thechristinejewell.com/



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