About Me


I’m Christine Jewell, known by many as the Queen of Hearts.


  As a Fierce Warrior Spirit who has gone through her own initiation, I am on a MISSION to help LOST Warriors return to the POWER of the HEART.

With each evolution of my soul, I have lived through deaths and rebirths and continue to do so in wonder and anticipation.

I have burned the old ways that no longer serve me and have devoted myself wholeheartedly to my work as a QUEEN who knows what she is here to do and who she is here to serve.

I have healed my physical body, found deep relaxation within, and learned to tune into this vessel's innate wisdom and intelligence.

I have called in my KING and experienced the RAREST of Love Affairs after years of cycling through unfulfilling and empty relationships fueled by mistrust in the Masculine.

I have cultivated an incredible relationship with GOD as my ultimate guide and support. This has given me the gift of PEACE and freedom like no other.



My People…

I am a certified executive and holistic health coach, a seasoned entrepreneur, and a former “STRIVER.”

For years, I have coached the ALPHA men and women of the world: executives, founders, and CEOs running multimillion (sometimes BILLION) dollar corporations.

The ones who “have it all”.

Yet, despite undeniable financial and career success, they find themselves living in a state of CONSTANT inner chaos.

  • Their marriages are falling apart.
  • They feel like they can’t hear God.
  • They are struggling to trust everyone around them.
  • There is a constant fear of losing everything and everyone.
  • They spend their days fighting fires, doing battle.
  • They don’t know what they want, what’s next, and how things got so off track.

The world looks at my clients and sees nothing but the type of success that inspires dream boards.

My clients look at the world with a sense of dread and hopelessness.


They come to me with the TINIEST shred of hope left.

They KNOW they were meant for more.

They want to be healthy, happy, and at peace.

They want to restore their relationships.

They want to tap into their faith.

That’s where I come in.

When they are TRULY ready…

I help them step into the Kings and Queens they were meant to be.



My GIFT is bringing together SOUL & SCIENCE to help support you in this journey through NEW GATES, where we operate and experience life on a completely different playing field, that of 5D Consciousness & GOD at the Center of ALL things.

My Approach is...


There is nothing surface-level or fluffy about this work.

A KING or QUEEN does not 'look away.'

They look within and are willing to go to depths and explore what others will not.

This is why they are richly rewarded with treasures others will only dream of.

We dig up the roots to discover, unearth, heal, and NOURISH.

The work I do requires reflectiveness, willingness, and focus. If you aren’t TRULY ready to do the work, then I am NOT the coach for you.

My clients get things done, and their own personal growth is no exception.


I take what feels intangible and break it down so it becomes tangible and within reach.

I will give you practical, tangible tools you can use daily to embrace your calling, live out your vision, and integrate your personal and work life to create more abundance, peace, and impact.


This is not about "knowing more in your head".

It is about getting it IN your body, something so many high achievers have been taught to ignore!

REAL SHIFTS in frequency and reality happen when the BODY adapts to this new energy and can hold it sustainably.

It now becomes the familiar home of your nervous system and automated responses.

In simple terms, a LOT of my work is IN the BODY - for it is - IN your body that you experience all things.


I do nothing without consulting the Holy Spirit.

GOD is the integral source of all my work and practices.

The work we do together ignites a spiritual awakening, a reconnection to your SOUL, and a new alliance with GOD as the ultimate source of your leadership and wisdom.

MY WORK encompasses

  • Personal Leadership
  • Energy Mastery
  • Heart Awakening
  • Deep Healing
  • Soul Alignment

I help clients align to their true NATURE as masculine and feminine.

As KINGS and QUEENS who are in love, devotion, and service to one another.

I help you align with our true genius and the divine GIFTS you’ve been given.


Together, the work we do will align your HEART to be open and receptive to DEEPER, more intimate LOVE. This love allows you to create rich, more connected relationships.

If you are truly READY to RECEIVE more than you could ever imagine and CLAIM the RICH life you were created for, in your RELATIONSHIPS, in your BODY, and in your SPIRIT…

And you are 100% READY to do the work required…

Let's Begin.


