Episode 106: Build a Deeper Connection through the Art of Communication w/ Mark Jewell

Uncategorized Jul 26, 2023

"You can do amazing things with praise + laughter +  joy."

This week on The Untamed Life, I’m gearing up for my upcoming relationship workshop, Mastering the Art of Communication. When working with clients, I find that 99% of the time, the “problems” they think they have within their relationship are never really the issue. In turn they are fighting and solving for the wrong thing!

Communication is Key but we have to make sure we are clear on what we are trying to solve for!

For the next 3 weeks we’ll dive into aspects of communication in our relationships that can move us towards multiplication territory.

The foundation of this work is starting with ourselves first, Instead of expecting our partners to change. We’ve got to be centered enough to see clearly - yet how often are we showing up exhausted?

Attempting to pour from an empty cup while ignoring our own needs is a recipe for  frustration and resentment, which create walls and canyons inside relationships.

In this episode, my husband Mark + I uncover ways to find joy + playfulness in our relationships by working on your inner self, including

  • When Prioritizing Your Needs is Essential
  • The Role of Time Allocation
  • Optimizing Physical Health

God designed you for a THRIVING marriage. Are you ready to elevate your relationship to the next level?. Join me on August 11 for the Relationship Mastery - Art of COMMUNICATION 1/2 day workshop. RSVP now [https://christineline.mykajabi.com/relationship-workshop] to break down communication barriers that limit our God-given ability to CREATE + MULTIPLY within the relationships in our lives.

  • To learn more about private or group coaching, apply here. https://linktr.ee/christinejewell


    Connect with Christine!

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    • YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCauEds9jbgKCbJMZHjwEMug
    • Website: https://thechristinejewell.com/