Episode 122: Visioneering: Faith, Freedom + Fulfillment Part 1- NOT This Way

Uncategorized Nov 15, 2023

What does the next chapter of your life, the next year look like? 

What are you consciously creating and are you aware of what it takes to “get” there? 

Years ago, I broke the mold on traditional goal setting and year-end reviews, and I adopted a completely different way of visioneering my life, what I focused on, what the priorities were, how I would organize my time and my energy.


In today's episode, part one of a multi-part series on creating more freedom, fulfillment, and impact through faith, I want to share the five mistakes that I see many people making over and over again when they want to create a new future. They want to transform their marriage. They want to grow their business or get things into alignment, but they keep hitting a wall or recycling, repeating the past like Groundhog Day. 


What are the common mistakes  that have us driving in reverse over and over again?


I invite you to join today's conversation and notice, Where do

You see yourself caught up in  these mistakes? 


Time to BREAK the MOLD!


As always, I love to hear your feedback. Please leave a five star review here if you have not already done so.





Our upcoming live online ½ day experience! VISIONEERING is an intensive workshop where I'm guiding you through the exact process that I go through, & take my private clients through when it comes to getting into alignment.


This is not the traditional way of looking at goal setting, year-end reviews, and making projections around finances. It's way bigger than that


Join us in this live ONLINE EVENT! VISIONEERING Intensive

December 13th, 2023.

Does your current approach to ‘doing life + business’ align with God's principles for true freedom, alignment, and fulfillment?


This 4-hour hands-on training will walk you through a process to gain clarity on the next season of your life, reclaim your time (own your calendar!), increase your energy, and Establish a CLEAR pathway for 2024 fueled by Freedom + Fulfillment + Faith.


We are breaking the mold on traditional goal setting and INVITING GOD to dream with us in every area of our lives - to shift our thinking, and align our vision with HIS. When we get things in the RIGHT ORDER, things come together with way less stress and a lot more ease. This is a great event to join as a couple!



Coming Soon! Participate in Live Q&A Episodes:  If you have burning questions or want live coaching, you can submit your questions or requests to be on the show HERE.


To learn more about private or group coaching, apply here. https://linktr.ee/christinejewell

Connect with Christine!

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thechristinejewell

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thechristinejewell

LinkedIn: https://ca.linkedin.com/in/christine-jewell-9361612a

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCauEds9jbgKCbJMZHjwEMug

Website: https://thechristinejewell.com/
