Episode 123: Walking in Faith - Responding to Gods Call

Uncategorized Nov 22, 2023

As we gear up for 2024, let's challenge ourselves to embrace a new approach to visioning and goal-setting, looking inward to discern the vision God has for our lives and moving forward in tandem with the Spirit, taking courageous faith filled action.

How often do you find yourself asking:

What’s Next? 

What Now? 

How am I going to future this out? 

Today, we'll explore five profound ways that God CALLS us into the PURPOSE he has designed for us, and what he promises to deliver along the way. If you've ever grappled with distinguishing between your own desires and God's calling, you're not alone. We'll navigate this together, drawing insights from scripture, biblical accounts, personal stories and timeless principles!

Top 5 Takeaways:

  • God's Call to Go: Just as God called Abraham to leave the familiar and venture into the unknown, we are prompted to move when we are most comfortable. Pay attention to that inner knowing, the pull that says, "Go." Trust that God has a purpose in leading you to new territories FOR a divine purpose..
  • The Power of Your Voice: God often calls us to speak up & share a message, speak truth, or offer encouragement and often in places we don’t feel qualified or equipped to share in. Don't underestimate the impact of your words. Even when it feels uncomfortable or uncertain, trust that God will provide the perfect words when your heart is aligned with His.
  • Leaving Behind the Familiar: Similar to Jesus calling the disciples to leave their nets and follow Him, God may be asking you to let go of something that you think absolutely need in order to survive, get through this season or be successful. Release the grip on the past, old stories, or outdated success models. Following God's lead often requires leaving behind what feels comfortable and embracing a whole NEW way of doing things that don’t make any logical sense in this moment. 
  • Be Still and Know: Amidst the hustle, God consistently calls us to be still and promises us REST. Embrace moments of quiet reflection, seek His guidance, and trust that He is in control. It is through stillness that we find peace and clarity.
  • God's Promises: God's calls are always accompanied by promises and often those promises are the things we are chasing instead of trusting him to deliver them! Over and over again he tells us… “GO… and I WILL provide, I will make the WAY, I will GUIDE you, I will GIVE you the land, the words, the people, etc.
  • Trust in His consistency. As you respond to His call, know that He will fulfill His promises and provide everything you need along the way.

This is a totally different way to make plans. Not on our own timelines and under our control but truly in RESPONSE to a deeper calling.

Are you ready to step into the next season of your life, aligning with God's vision? Join us for a deeper dive into these principles at the upcoming Visioneering online workshop on December 13th. It's a unique opportunity to envision a future guided by faith and purpose.

Thank you for tuning in today! If you found value in this episode, share it with a friend and leave a review. Until next time, here's to loving fiercely, leading courageously. 

Coming Soon! Participate in Live Q&A Episodes:  If you have burning questions or want live coaching, you can submit your questions or requests to be on the show HERE.


To learn more about private or group coaching, apply here. https://linktr.ee/christinejewell

Connect with Christine!

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Website: https://thechristinejewell.com/


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