Episode 125: LEGACY + IMPACT - 7 Things to Consider Beyond the Physical

Uncategorized Dec 06, 2023

What's IN a LEGACY? 

A legacy often thought of as generational wealth or personal property, that is left to future generations. However, beyond the legal and financial contexts, the term LEGACY refers to the lasting impact, influence, or contributions that a person makes during their lifetime, which will continue to have significance and value long after they are gone. 


YOUR Legacy is essentially what you leave behind as a mark of your existence and the imprint you make on the world!


Today I am inviting you to really dig and consider what is the imprint and lasting impact you are leaving on your children, your grandchildren, your employees, community and the world. EACH and every one of us is creating a legacy and each of us will leave one. 


The question is not IF we are leaving one, but WHAT IT IS. 

This is the perfect time to reflect, and if necessary REFOCUS ourselves to be more intentional about signature we are leaving on those who  matter most.


Today we are unpacking


  • Tangible (Physical) Legacy vs Intangible (Eternal)
  • Legacy goes beyond physical assets and includes identity, mental operating systems, models of life, equipping and empowering, cultural heritage and traditions, emotional legacy, and spiritual blessings and curses.
  • Breaking the Mindless passing of the baton vs intentionally planting SEEDS into future generations 
  • Reflecting on our own experiences and the legacy we received from those before us to identify key areas for growth and improvement.
  • By focusing on the heart and Spirit, we can create a legacy that is rooted in Love, forgiveness, and healing over ego and wounding!

Are you ready to step into the next season of your life, aligning with God's vision? Join us for a deeper dive into these principles at the upcoming Visioneering online workshop on December 13th. It's a unique opportunity to envision a future guided by faith and purpose.


Thank you for tuning in today! If you found value in this episode, share it with a friend and leave a review. Until next time, here's to loving fiercely, leading courageously. 


Coming Soon! Participate in Live Q&A Episodes:  If you have burning questions or want live coaching, you can submit your questions or requests to be on the show HERE.


To learn more about private or group coaching, apply here. https://linktr.ee/christinejewell

Connect with Christine!

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LinkedIn: https://ca.linkedin.com/in/christine-jewell-9361612a

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCauEds9jbgKCbJMZHjwEMug

Website: https://thechristinejewell.com/
