Episode 50: The TEST of a TRUE LEADER - What to Look For

leadership Jun 29, 2022

How do you KNOW what kind of King, Queen, LEADER you truly are?

HOW do we determine if we are succeeding or running this thing, this marriage, this company - off the rails?

I believe as leaders The ripple effect of our influence will have an impact on generations to come. 

It’s easy to view ourselves through both rose coloured, delusional glasses - in complete denial about what we are actually leaving as a legacy…

or  through really harsh ones where it feels like we can’t seem to do anything right.

Good, bad and everything in between - you are leaving a MARK on others and you have influence right now. The question then becomes - what INFLUENCE am I having on others?

Simply put the TEST is this:  What is LIFE like for the people we have been entrusted with?

Is your kingdom thriving or struggling right now?

We have all been entrusted with some kind of kingdom - no matter how ‘big’ or ‘small’ it may seem in your eyes. Big and Small are simply constructs of the human mind anyway.

I have been leaning into this discussion pretty intently lately as I ask some deeper questions of myself and all that I have been entrusted with - especially as I undergo my most recent journey of writing this book that is to carry a potent message.

I feel both the weight and excitement of this responsibility and it has drawn me into deeper contemplation on what kind of mark am I leaving on others and am I walking in integrity with what I speak and teach on?

In today’s episode of the untamed life I unpack

  • The TESTING ground of a true leader + specific areas to look at 
  • How a woman flourishes! 
  • How a man rises in his strength
  • Where is our Bandwith, energy and FOCUS directed towards?
  • Are we enabling or empowering? 
  • Are we leading as dictators that exercise authority or 
  • Are we leading from influence, mentorship, guidance and empowerment 
  • The HEART of a Good King with a thriving kingdom vs
  • The HEART of a Self Serving King with a kingdom that suffers
  • Who is serving who anyway?

All this and so much more as we dive into becoming a En-TRUSTED leader

With a thriving kingdom. 

We are talking about relationships, parenting and leading in all arenas of life because you are the SAME leader ->>  no matter where you go, there you are << -

“For the sake of their people. That is WHY a King or Queen are given a kingdom”



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