Episode #36: Getting into INTEGRITY with Mark Jewell

leadership Mar 23, 2022

Today I am joined by my husband, Mark as we dive into the topic of INTEGRITY.

Not the typical definition we are all familiar with: ”to be honest + have strong moral principles,  but the one listed here: 

Integrity: The State of Being WHOLE or UNDIVIDED. Soundness. Completeness.

Together, we are unpacking the conversation around WHAT is required to get things in “ORDER” or a state of WHOLENESS - internally and externally - and WHY this is SO essential as we move from one season of life into another. 

It is the real WORK that ensues as we step into more authentic versions of ourselves, as we commit to engaging in more powerful + meaningful work, and choose to strengthen our intimate relationships - growing together FOR something greater than us.

Most leaders would say they STAND for:

NOT Settling. 

Playing Full Out. 

Constantly GROWING and evolving themselves and others.

AND if we are going to live that way from a place of EXPANSIVENESS (not force) - that comes with the continual  


  • Releasing of the past and things no longer needed, 
  • Getting RAW and REAL about what they have been tolerating as standards
  • Re-organizing their resources: time, money, energy, talents/gifts 
  • Recalibrating their systems as they ‘put’ their lives back into proper ORDER for the upcoming SEASON.. 

As we go through these transformations, it is undeniable that our level of INTEGRITY (wholeness + alignment) WILL be challenged.  

We will be shown all the places we have been making decisions from FEAR and reaction.

We will be shown all the places where our PRIDE is attached and has been running the show.

We will be shown the behaviors and patterns we have allowed to infiltrate our homes/businesses/relationships….. 

And it will be OUR responsibility to set things right in order to MOVE forward.

Getting into INTEGRITY brings CLARITY and FLOW back to the game where there has been mental fog, forced production and battle after battle.

The CLEARER we are on who we are + what we stand for + what we no longer stand for in our lives, the FASTER your life will organize in ALL areas of your life. 

In today’s episode, we unpack:

  • What Integrity means to us right now
  • The PROCESS of Transformative Work
  • Cleaning up Impurities that rise to the surface
  • SUSTAINING the new life you WANT
  • The SEASON of Re-aligning 
  • Creating INTEGRITY + ALIGNMENT in your business
  • COMPASSION + GRACE through the process
  • FEMININE + MASCULINE Integrity  

LEt’s DIVE in!

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  • Website: https://thechristinejewell.com/