Episode 58: The LAWS of Harmonious Living with Mark Jewell

abundance + prosperity Aug 24, 2022

Today I am joined by my lover, amazing husband, and ultimate adventure buddy, Mark as we record this episode from a treehouse in Mexico! We are diving into the conversation around prosperity consciousness, becoming more than OK with enjoying ALL of life without guilt and what harmonious living means for us.


I believe this is a critical conversation that more of us need to be having if we truly want to experience what God has in store for us. Too many of us are finding ourselves in the tension between GUILT and JOY, mostly focused on what is missing, what is wrong, or what we don't want.


We strive, chase and focus on the future so we can ‘finally’ experience something. Then when we get there we can’t relax! We want peace but are so programmed to be anxious which is completely out of alignment with harmony. We have been convinced that no matter where we are, there is something more important happening somewhere else or that somehow we do not deserve...

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Episode 52: ONE Year! Getting Out of Your Own Way!

abundance + prosperity Jul 13, 2022

Today we are celebrating ONE full year of the UNTAMED LIFE podcast and I am diving into the SPECIFIC things I believe PUT US into the place of Abundance, Overflow and Alignment.

That’s correct. We get PUT THERE. And how we got PUT there is by setting down our own agenda and  getting OUT of the way.

Just over a year ago I felt the call on my heart to create this podcast and to not hesitate! At the time I felt highly unqualified and wasn't even sure what the format would end up being. Yet - here we are celebrating 52 consecutive weeks of recording and releasing episodes without a single blip or break! That’s some massive progress on so many levels.

MOST of my life I have resisted consistency + commitment in the name of “freedom” and flexibility and yet the journey proves that when we move and swap our self serving hearts for ones of deep service - we enter the space of ULTIMATE FREEDOM.

What is paradoxical is that living IN the space of ultimate freedom...

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Episode 45: 6 Pillars to Accessing + Circulating Abundance in Life

abundance + prosperity May 25, 2022

Part 3 of our 3 Part Series on Living Abundantly - loving fully and tapping into the Life Force that is always available TO you.

Do you struggle with Living FROM a state of Abundance + Prosperity?

To LOVE and LIVE from this place is a constant practice and daily decision. Today I unpack 6 super simple, yet potent ways you can began to shift out of a lack mindset and open your eyes to what is already available to you.

This means TAPPING into a NEW State and becoming a circulator of life, rather than just a consumer. The beautiful thing is, once you make these shifts - things begin to reorganize fast!

Are you still stuck thinking that ONCE you achieve the goal, attain the next thing, overcome this battle you’re in, get past this season of life… THEN you’ll be able to live abundantly?

Time for a conscious and strategic upgrade!

In this episode I unpack:

  • The 6 Pillars of Tapping into Abundance
  • Why Emptying Yourself on a regular basis is ESSENTIAL
  • Why I believe...
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Episode 44: Are You a Giver or a Taker?

How Good are you at GIVING?

Are you able to give with gratitude and appreciation?

OR Are you waiting for others to go first? Grumbling, complaining, resentful, fearful or depleted?

In today's episode we unpack:

  • How to tell if you are Giving to "Get" - why relationships feel life sucking
  • GIVING an offering vs 'trading, exchanging and bartering'?
  • GIVING from a natural state of abundance + overflow
  • How can you give if you're MALNOURISHED?
  • How fear of loss is getting in the way
  • The Spirit of Pride and how it manipulates outcomes
  • PLUS >> the PROSPERITY/Abundance principles of GIVING!

This isn’t just about MONEY - but ANY area of your life!

Enjoying the SHOW? Please take a moment right now to subscribe/follow and leave a review. This allows you to be an integral part of sharing this message with others who need it most! Thank you for being here and for your support!


To learn more about private or group coaching, apply here. ...

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Episode 43: How to RECEIVE Abundantly - > Are you CLOSED off or OPEN to receiving?

abundance + prosperity May 11, 2022

How GOOD are you at RECEIVING? Are you open or closed off to it?

Is there even room in your life to receive ALL that you are created for?

Or are you repelling the love + affection you crave, the prosperity you are designed for, the VISION that wants to call you and come through you?

Today’s episode is the 1st of a 3 part series on the ART of RECEIVING and GIVING and it’s inspired by so many men and women  I work with who come to me because they are terrified to receive. 


That’s right. They are terrible at receiving and as a result they are burned out, stressed out, overextended - resentful - and jealous of other people's relationships and lives. 


Truth is they are so full of ANXIETY + FEAR + TENSION that there isn’t any room for abundant receiving to happen in their lives. They literally repel gifts, love, opportunities because they are addicted to fighting for it, needing to control the process and are simply uncomfortable with...

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Episode 42: Curating a RICH + INTENTIONAL Life - Musings from Tulum

abundance + prosperity May 04, 2022

I believe a RICH LIFE is one where we get to experience the fullness of all that God has designed for us. We experience depths, layers and richness, or abundance in all arenas, not just the financial one. 

Today’s episode is inspired by a 1:1 trip to Tulum I recently went on with my 18 year old daughter that got meditating on just how grateful I was that I had intentionally curated the life I have today.

I started a tradition years ago of going on solo trips with my kids as a way to spend more quality time together post my divorce and to cultivate deeper connections with each of them. I realized how much they thrived when I spent time with them 1:1 so it became a regular thing and I’ve never looked back. It truly has ENRICHED all of our lives.

This is just one of many decisions I made early on to INVEST in the soil that mattered to me - my relationships.

In today’s show, I share why I believe we are not here to create our lives, but rather to choose HOW we...

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Episode 41: Pacing + Pressure and Flow State Living: Slowing Down to Speed Up

abundance + prosperity Apr 27, 2022

Is there really room for MORE than enough? 

Is there such a thing as living a life in FLOW or is it just a pipe dream, reserved for big wave surfers and extreme athletes?

I believe there is absolutely MORE than enough time, energy and space for us to experience full lives from a state of flow but it requires we set the intention to live this way and adjust our pacing IN the pressure. Such has been my life story as I am learning the art of mastering ‘pacing’ to live more intentionally IN the pressure.


There is a Good pressure that expands us at a rate our nervous system + energetic body can handle- and then there is the pressure that cracks us open, burns us out + has us constantly in fight/fix mode - stuck in loops of massive growth only to be followed by contractions that take us right back to square one. 


When we force things, we break things.

When we rush things, we miss things.

When we try and ‘fit’ things into already full...

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Episode 39: “Micro Decisions” that Make You or Break You

abundance + prosperity Apr 13, 2022

In today’s episode we are talking “Micro Decisions”.


Those moment by moment, second by second -choices we make on a daily basis that either MOVE us toward the life we desire or Break us + DISTANCE us from it.


Whether we think about it or not, each day is simply a long series of micro-decisions - many of them made unconsciously and trained into our psyche and nervous system.


Last episode we discussed the importance of asking a clear + powerful question in order to get a clear and powerful answer.. 


The next step is the KEY though. 

What do we CHOOSE  - based on that answer? Do we talk ourselves out of the answer? Do we choose to believe it?


Do we freeze, flee, fight or lean in?


It takes trust to move forward and TRUST itself doesn’t happen overnight.


To trust is a decision.

To love is a decision.

To enjoy something is a decision.


These things are cultivated and nurtured in motion.

They are...

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Episode 38: Powerful Questions to SHIFT Any Situation

abundance + prosperity Apr 06, 2022

This episode is full of LIFE Changing gems! Today I am opening up my arsenal of secret ‘weapons’ with you… the power of ASKING and asking the RIGHT Questions at the right time. 


Here’s why: 

If you ask yourself a Wise + Powerful question,  you’ll get a Wise + Powerful response. 

If you ask yourself expansive questions rooted in abundance, you’ll get responses and solutions that OPEN up possibility and potential. 


The same is true the other way.  If you ask a poor question you’ll get a poor answer.

One that makes  you MORE confused, frustrated, contracted.. You get the point.


Todays’ invitation is to activate renewed vision inside you by mastering the art of asking questions. 

I also address why it’s KEY to ask questions, vs telling others and yourself what to do/think/feel. 

In this Episode I Unpack:

  • 10 Powerful Self Reflection Questions 
  • The ENERGY behind...
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Episode 33: A Life Worth LIVING: On Men, Money, Sex and Performance

abundance + prosperity Mar 02, 2022

A LIFE worth LIVING is measured by all the things you can't possibly MEASURE, and yet MOST people  are tirelessly measuring every single aspect of their lives! 

The world systems have trained us to measure everything 10 ways til Sunday.

I remember a time when I followed the destructive/contractive programming and measured most things in my life....  because I "Thought" and was taught - that's what high achievers do

“Successful people measure everything” - High Achievers set goals and go after what they want.

This was the STANDARD I grew up by and ran every aspect of my life by.

Remembering this just makes me want to purge right here on the spot. 

Looking back -  I was living a completely different life, in a totally different world, with totally different rules of engagement than I ‘play’ today.

To learn more about private or group coaching, apply here. https://linktr.ee/christinejewell

Connect with Christine!

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