Episode 87: Redefining Boundaries, Curating Your Ideal Day + Letting go of People Pleasing Tendencies

abundance + prosperity Mar 15, 2023

"Where there is no VISION, the people PERISH."

Today I am inviting into a completely new conversation around boundaries and RECLAIMING your Ideal Day.

I often get comments and questions around Boundaries that sound something like this:

"I need to set some stronger boundaries so I can actually get things done!"

"How can I say NO when all these expectations are piling up and they are ALL things I am committed to?"

"How can I not let people down - my people, kids, wife, husband, organization NEEDS me."

Today I am inviting you to make the SHIFT out of contraction + lack and lean into the world of creative energy.

I am sharing 3 Practical Things you CAN DO today to get back into the sweet spot of Clarity, Flow and feeling Energized again - without the contraction that comes with having to put boundaries in place. 

  • When the demands of your schedule and everyone else are stacking
  • Why I am 'upgrading' and even 'ditching' the idea of boundaries for THIS instead!
  • How to get...
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Episode 85: 400% increases in my business + breaking ties with a spirit of FEAR

abundance + prosperity Mar 01, 2023

Are you feeling a call into the next season of your life? Perhaps you are feeling a career or position shift, or an entire reinvention of your business? Maybe you’re feeling the urgency to move to a completely new place, to restructure the way you LIVE your life - but you’re wondering - how on earth am I going to be able to DO this? 

I am so entrenched where I am. This is all I KNOW. 

Today’s episode is building off last week's episode on the ONE shift that changed everything for me, getting into Alignment. (If you haven’t tuned in, definitely go back and have a listen)

Today I am sharing my own personal journey of LETTING GO, the gratitude I am feeling right now for unanswered prayers and what breaking ties with a spirit of FEAR has opened up!

We are talking about 

  • How do you make this move without everything “falling apart”?
  • The trouble with our ‘expectations’ of outcomes
  • When you are praying frustrated and nothing...
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Episode 84: The ONE Shift Into More Abundance and FLOW

abundance + prosperity Feb 22, 2023

What can we do to LIVE more abundantly, to experience MORE of the RICHES of life and less of the pressure cooker that comes with lack and scarcity?

How do we GET into the place of FLOW and how to we STAY there?

Even though we want it, desire it and crave to be in a place of freedom, flow and prosperity - it often seems to be a distant dream or something we experience in little pockets here and there.

Is there a formula for this? What is the key to making the switch?

This week's episode is a continuation from last weeks conversation on the BLOCKS to abundance and we are flipping the script! While I could share an entire list of things that have allowed me to change the name of the game and experience more abundance in my life, I wanted to keep it super simple.

ONE thing. ONE Shift. ONE simple but not always easy action that consistently opens things back up again. As always there is just ONE thing that is the first domino that begins to set everything else in motion. This is it for...

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Episode 83: 7 Blocks to the FLOW of Abundance

abundance + prosperity Feb 15, 2023

Are you being ROBBED of the RICHES available to you?

We all want to live a life of abundance, yet so few of us are truly tapped into it! How is it possible that in a world where there is SO MUCH available to us, so many of us are still trapped in scarcity, constant lack, fear of LOSS, wishing and hoping for something that feels so far away or out of our reach?

I truly believe we are created to prosper in all areas.

Yet for most of my life, I didn't believe that at my core and there were deep seeded programs that kept BLOCKING the FLOW of abundance into my life. Yes abundance IS all around us, and yet - most of us are not feeling it or receiving it if we are honest. Seems like a great concept, but it isn't PRESENT + REAL for us.

It's taken me years to rewire those old programs, rewrite the stories of loss in my life and ALIGN myself to the LAWS of prosperity + Increase and today I want to share some of the biggest barriers to the FLOW that I have experienced. If you truly GET this,...

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Episode 80: The Optimal Body + Health + Wealth! Live from Costa Rica

abundance + prosperity Jan 25, 2023

Today I’m coming to you live from Costa Rica!


I’ve had the pleasure of spending the last week immersed in ancient wisdom of this land, coupled with the most advanced bio-hacking technology and holistic healing modalities.


It was a week of total INFUSION to upgrade the physical, mental and emotional body. HEALTH truly is wealth. The more vitality and life force we can hold and move, the more we create and experience.


Today I’m sharing some of my key takeaways from this epic week. Totally unstructured and straight talk from the heart.


To learn more about private or group coaching, apply here. https://linktr.ee/christinejewell


Connect with Christine!

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Episode 76: Yearly Reflection Questions to Change the Game + Open Doors

abundance + prosperity Dec 28, 2022

Today's episode is a bit of a wake up call as well as a practical guide on how you can change the game and open new doors by simply pausing and asking the RIGHT questions!

What I have discovered after 20+ years of coaching is that most people rush through this time of year, overstuffed, overextended, over scheduled - trying to please everyone else rather than tune into what really matters most and how they want to EXPERIENCE life right now.

Every year I cherish this time to reflect, review, recalibrate and refocus. This has been a powerful practice that has allowed me to make quantum leaps in my life as well as course adjustments when I was totally off track.

In today's episode I unpack

  • The RACE against time. Why are some people constantly in a rat race?
  • Key QUESTIONS I ask myself and my clients this time of year
  • My personal Annual Reflection + VISION Casting Process
  • The POWER of the PAUSE
  • Some of my Key Lessons from 2022
  • Why I no longer set goals, but cast visions and focus on...
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Episode 72: 3 KEY Questions To Ask Yourself if You Want an UPGRADE in Your LIFE

Having a growth mindset is critical if you are open to continuous improvement in your life. For many people, they’re too focused on the end goal and they don’t pay enough attention to the journey. And the journey is where the magic happens. Before you begin, you have to be ready to make the shift in your mindset and your life in order to make these changes or upgrades sustainable. So, in this episode, I will be sharing the three questions that are essential to ask yourself if you truly want to upgrade your life.

Listen in as I explain the importance of putting your ego aside and allowing your adventurous spirit to embrace the unknown of what you may be about to unlock in your life. You will learn why it is essential that you have the willingness to release control if you want to make a big change, how to identify what is holding you back in your life, and how to start seeing yourself as the asset that you are.

In today’s episode I am unpacking:

  • The importance of...
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Episode 69: Fear, Doubt, Success + Daily WINS with Joshua Kreitzer

What wakes you up in the morning and puts a fire in your belly?

AND … Why should anybody care? 

This is the core question we are diving into in today’s episode as I am joined by one of my amazing clients, industry leader, family man, and CEO of Channel Bakers - Josh Kreitzer. 

Often we think if things just get bigger, if we just scale more, if we just make more money, get a bigger house, a ferrari, a beautiful ski boat, a massive team… all our ‘problems’, insecurities and challenges would magically disappear right?


The truth is - the more we boldly step into the next level of abundance, growth, expansion - take the LEAP into a new realm - it requires a whole new way of doing things and it tests us each step of the way.

Josh  went from losing everything and living off food stamps (with his family) in 2008 to sleeping on a yoga mat in the office to running an agency that does over 250 million in ad revenue globally per...

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Episode 62: The MultiDimensional Human: Your 4 โ€œBodiesโ€ Explained

We are multidimensional beings designed to experience wholeness in our body: complete healing, richness of life experiences, intimacy and connection in our relationships. 


Yet most of us are walking around disconnected and disembodied from our holistic nature. We find ourselves fighting an internal battle where it seems like the different  parts of us are competing with one another, rather than collaborating. 


We are disappointed with our physical bodies, stuck in overdrive in our mental bodies, emotionally devoid or swinging wildly from one end of the spectrum to the other. Then there is our spiritual body.


We may find ourselves focusing on ONE  aspect or dimension  of the Human body at a time, often at the expense or ignorance of the others:


Today's show is a must listen if you are seeking to better understand your intricate, multi-dimensional DESIGN, open your potential beyond the physical and experience WHOLENESS 


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Episode 59: Prosperity Consciousness, Core Abundance Beliefs & 6 Types of Wealth

abundance + prosperity Aug 31, 2022

I have seen so many people, including myself have “EVERYTHING” yet feel like they have NOTHING - constantly anxious about today and tomorrow .And I have seen those with very little laugh and live as if they have it ALL - so what is the secret and what does a prosperous life even look like?

Today I am sharing the 6 types of Wealth and doing a check in with you to see if you are in survival mode, poverty mode, comfort mode or OVERFLOW mode? Personally I want to live from a state of overflow in ALL arenas of life and YES I do believe we are created to delight in ALL of life, not just dabbles of it.

I am also sharing my definition of prosperity consciousness and some of the core beliefs/laws I am living by that have allowed me to experience so much richness over the past 3 years. As l embrace these laws and continue to deepen in my obedience to them, I see things are multiplying faster than any 'methods' the world programs ever taught me.

We are discussing:

  1. CREATION...
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