Episode 74: Embracing the PROCESS of Refinement

You often hear the phrase “trust the process,” and while it’s a cliché term, it is an important reminder to surrender. We often tend to get frantic about the things that aren’t happening as quickly as we would like them to be. However, this act of doing the opposite of trusting the process usually ends up badly for us. This leads to a pattern of obsessive behavior that does more damage than good. So, how do we break this cycle? How do we learn to surrender to the process of refinement in our lives? In this episode, I will be sharing a story of a recent lesson I have learned about trusting the process and how you can do the same in your life today.

Listen in as I explain how to gain more spiritual maturity through obedience and how this trust in God will always lead to extraordinary things. You will learn the importance of practicing gratitude, how to recognize what you’re being called to do, and the importance of embracing every season of your...

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Episode 71: Living a Passion-filled Life of Authenticity with Neil Kennedy

Do you know who you truly are? Neil Kennedy is the President of FiverstarMan, where he is challenging men to step up and grab the reins of authentic manhood. As a business, church, ministry, and life consultant, Neil has helped many people strategize the necessary steps to reach their full potential. In this episode, he will share his advice for finding out who you truly are so that you can finally live a passion-filled life that feels authentically you.

Listen in as Neil describes the power of self-assurance and how this can shift your entire perspective of life. You will learn how to ensure the needs for the mission are always met, the five passions of authentic manhood, and how to make more meaningful connections.

In today’s episode I am unpacking:

  • The importance of finding out who you are truly.
  • How women and men complement each other so completely.
  • The power of self-assurance.
  • What prosperity really means.
  • Why your family should be above all else.
  • The benefit...
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Episode 70: Anxiety, Consumption and Temptations

Feeling overcome with anxiety or dread can be difficult to pull yourself out of, especially once these negative feelings start to take over your day. However, if we can pinpoint what it is that is leading to these physical and emotional responses, it can become easier to find that peace of mind we are searching for. So, where do we begin with finding our triggers? In this episode, I will be sharing several temptations to be aware of that may be pulling you away from your internal voice, in hopes of helping you shed the external factors contributing to your anxiety.

We’ve got to be aware of what is going on around us, but it is important that we are never consumed by it. It is up to us to shift the narrative in our life so that it is aligned with who we want to be and where we want to go. Stop spiraling into worry and fretting over information that is being thrown your way and start seeing it for what it is: data and information.

In today’s episode I am unpacking:

  • The...
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Episode 66: When Nothing is Going Right or According to Plan!

spiritual growth Oct 19, 2022

What do you DO when everything seems to be going WRONG? 

Ever felt like you are in the middle of a cosmic boxing match?

How do we navigate those days, weeks, times and seasons when there’s just one thing after another coming at you? When nothing seems to be going your way, according to plan and you have the choice to either laugh or cry. 

Last week was that kind of week for me.

No matter which way I turned, it seemed like there was resistance pushing back. In my old life I would have definitely fought, forced and pushed my way through it, but this time things were different.

Today I want to share some of the ways I navigated the last week (and this season), as well as the insights, lessons, and gifts I picked up along the way.

In this episode I unpack:

  • My comical and disheartening day! It’s been a while…
  • How God used my circumstances to speak to me and show me what I NEED to see and hear most
  • How Answered prayers often come in the most unexpected ways
  • ...
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Episode 63: On Anger, Compassion & Freedom + Using our GIFTS to FREE others with Miguel Sanchez

Today I’m joined by my dear friend and powerhouse of a man, Miguel Sanchez - who recently found himself in the midst of a shootout and his story of HOW he was called to deal w the shooter is just incredible.

We are getting raw and real (just how I like it!)  talking about hostage situations, being under the gun (literally at gun point!), in the pressure cooker and how we choose to respond under those situations.


Whether you are in high pressure stakes at home, in the business or finding yourself in the midst of chaotic and aggressive encounters - this show is for you.


We are talking about:


- Moving diligently and discerningly through hostile situations,

- How compassion WINS & transforms situations rather than fighting back

- Supernatural Interventions are REAL!

- Processing Unresolved Anger

- Dealing with Depression & The Heaviness of Life

- Finding inner FREEDOM    By letting go of outcomes

- The POWER of being a CHANNEL for...

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Episode 62: The MultiDimensional Human: Your 4 “Bodies” Explained

We are multidimensional beings designed to experience wholeness in our body: complete healing, richness of life experiences, intimacy and connection in our relationships. 


Yet most of us are walking around disconnected and disembodied from our holistic nature. We find ourselves fighting an internal battle where it seems like the different  parts of us are competing with one another, rather than collaborating. 


We are disappointed with our physical bodies, stuck in overdrive in our mental bodies, emotionally devoid or swinging wildly from one end of the spectrum to the other. Then there is our spiritual body.


We may find ourselves focusing on ONE  aspect or dimension  of the Human body at a time, often at the expense or ignorance of the others:


Today's show is a must listen if you are seeking to better understand your intricate, multi-dimensional DESIGN, open your potential beyond the physical and experience WHOLENESS 


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Episode 37: Are you FIGHTING the SPIRIT or LEADING with it?

spiritual growth Mar 30, 2022

How do we move forward boldly,  knowing we are moving in the right direction?

I often get asked some version of this question

How do I know when I am moving IN STEP with the Spirit or fighting against it?

How can I TELL if this (decision/thing) is God’s will for my life or not?

I see a couple things happen here...

  •  People getting PARALYZED by indecision or inaction here. They lack BOLDNESS.
  •  Others keep ASKING for what they already HAVE! They are not acknowledging + accepting the answers and so they pray over it and meditate on it + ask for direction on things they have already been given answers to!  They lack the ability to RECEIVE + MULTIPLY.
  •  Then there are Others who are overwhelmed and drowning in pressure bc they seize EVERY opportunity that present itself to them. They lack DISCERNMENT
  •  Those who it seem to have it DIALLED IN a good portion of the time (not always) but often  - they are TRULY connected to their Spirit and the heart...
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Episode 35: 10 Keys to Conscious “Co-Creation”

spiritual growth Mar 16, 2022

Today we are UNPACKING what it means to be a Conscious CO-CREATOR, vs ‘the’ creator of your reality.

After nearly 20 years in the coaching space, The most common theme I see with clients who are stuck / rehashing the past over and over is 

  1. Most people LACK CLARITY on their VISION WHAT they are here to create 
  2. Most people are completely DISCONNECTED and therefore DISORIENTED.

They are DISCONNECTED from their God-Given DESIRES. Therefore they are UNCLEAR on WHAT they actually want and are called to create/build in this season of life.

So….  they keep creating/building/chasing what they DON’T actually want and find themselves lacking fulfillment, 


They are so fixated on what they don’t want that they keep re-creating the SAME thing over and over and over because they FEED so much of their precious LIFE force energy to it!

They are so dialed into the noise/chaos of the outer world (and everyone else’s input) and...

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Episode 21: Building Our Lives on a SOLID Foundation

spiritual growth Dec 08, 2021

Today’s episode is for those of you who have been putting IN the WORK AND you are READY to play by a whole new set of RULES! 


In Today’s Episode I dive into: 

  • Who are you when life throws curveballs at you that knock you off your feet?
  • What do you RELY ON when things are uncertain + unstable in our world? 
  • Why in the midst of economic storms, relational storms, health storms, being GROUNDED is ESSENTIAL
  • What it MEANS to LIVE in the heavenly realm
  • HOW to KNOW if you’re building on a solid foundation or quicksand
  • Notes on Building FORWARD instead of Building from Comparison and Fear

To learn more about private or group coaching, apply here. https://linktr.ee/christinejewell

Connect with Christine!

  • Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thechristinejewell
  • Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thechristinejewell
  • LinkedIn: https://ca.linkedin.com/in/christine-jewell-9361612a
  • YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCauEds9jbgKCbJMZHjwEMug
  • Website:...
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Episode 19: WHO IS your MASTER?

spiritual growth Nov 24, 2021

In this episode I unpack some key questions and practical ways to check in with ourselves:

  •  WHO is your MASTER?
  •  WHAT is your ALLEGIANCE to?
  •  WHAT REWARDS are you chasing in your life?
  •   HOW to quickly get a pulse +  CHECK and SEE where our loyalty lies

I invite you to join me in today’s conversation and remember 

At any given point in time, you can DECIDE to shift your ALLEGIANCE.

To learn more about private or group coaching, apply here. https://linktr.ee/christinejewell

Connect with Christine!

  • Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thechristinejewell
  • Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thechristinejewell
  • LinkedIn: https://ca.linkedin.com/in/christine-jewell-9361612a
  • YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCauEds9jbgKCbJMZHjwEMug
  • Website: https://thechristinejewell.com/
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