Episode 71: Living a Passion-filled Life of Authenticity with Neil Kennedy

Do you know who you truly are? Neil Kennedy is the President of FiverstarMan, where he is challenging men to step up and grab the reins of authentic manhood. As a business, church, ministry, and life consultant, Neil has helped many people strategize the necessary steps to reach their full potential. In this episode, he will share his advice for finding out who you truly are so that you can finally live a passion-filled life that feels authentically you.

Listen in as Neil describes the power of self-assurance and how this can shift your entire perspective of life. You will learn how to ensure the needs for the mission are always met, the five passions of authentic manhood, and how to make more meaningful connections.

In today’s episode I am unpacking:

  • The importance of finding out who you are truly.
  • How women and men complement each other so completely.
  • The power of self-assurance.
  • What prosperity really means.
  • Why your family should be above all else.
  • The benefit...
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The Longest and Most Fulfilling Journey

There is an old Sioux proverb that says:  

 “The longest journey in your LIFE is the journey from your HEAD to your HEART”  

There is so much truth in this.  

I fundamentally believe you will NEVER be able to experience true success, fulfillment, peace, or lasting joy without making this critical 18-inch journey.  

As high achievers we’ve bought into a program that teaches success is all about mastering our “mindset” yet I call total BULLS***T!  

You can’t master your mind if you’re STUCK in it all the time.

In order to “master” your mindset, it requires you step OUT of your head, away from the noise, distraction, illusions, and become the observer and director of it.

Yet, we refuse to take time to sit still, pull out, and go to the depths of where the true magic lies.   We end up just fighting against ourselves the whole way through “willpower” and “force”...

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