Episode 75: The Power of Connection to Influence + Impact Each Other

Are you stuck in a routine of going through the motions? I know it feels good to be productive, but if you're spending your days focusing on getting the next thing done or checking things off of a to-do list without paying attention to the connections in your life, you're cheating yourself.

Human connection, spiritual connection, even connection to play—we need these for our well-being. So instead of becoming part of the growing problem of disconnection, listen in to learn how to connect to your emotions on a deeper level in order to truly feel everything that comes your way and become more connected in the ways that matter most.

In today’s episode I am unpacking:

  • How to ensure you’re focusing on the right things in your life.

  • The power of one-on-one quality time with your loved ones.

  • How to be more present.

  • Why you have to feel your pain—and allow others to feel theirs.

  • How to open your heart. 

“How much...

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Episode 74: Embracing the PROCESS of Refinement

You often hear the phrase “trust the process,” and while it’s a cliché term, it is an important reminder to surrender. We often tend to get frantic about the things that aren’t happening as quickly as we would like them to be. However, this act of doing the opposite of trusting the process usually ends up badly for us. This leads to a pattern of obsessive behavior that does more damage than good. So, how do we break this cycle? How do we learn to surrender to the process of refinement in our lives? In this episode, I will be sharing a story of a recent lesson I have learned about trusting the process and how you can do the same in your life today.

Listen in as I explain how to gain more spiritual maturity through obedience and how this trust in God will always lead to extraordinary things. You will learn the importance of practicing gratitude, how to recognize what you’re being called to do, and the importance of embracing every season of your...

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Episode 71: Living a Passion-filled Life of Authenticity with Neil Kennedy

Do you know who you truly are? Neil Kennedy is the President of FiverstarMan, where he is challenging men to step up and grab the reins of authentic manhood. As a business, church, ministry, and life consultant, Neil has helped many people strategize the necessary steps to reach their full potential. In this episode, he will share his advice for finding out who you truly are so that you can finally live a passion-filled life that feels authentically you.

Listen in as Neil describes the power of self-assurance and how this can shift your entire perspective of life. You will learn how to ensure the needs for the mission are always met, the five passions of authentic manhood, and how to make more meaningful connections.

In today’s episode I am unpacking:

  • The importance of finding out who you are truly.
  • How women and men complement each other so completely.
  • The power of self-assurance.
  • What prosperity really means.
  • Why your family should be above all else.
  • The benefit...
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