Episode 73: How To Let Go of Your People Pleasing Tendencies

People pleasing might not sound like the worst thing. What is wrong with being nice to people in the hopes of making them happy, right? Unfortunately, people pleasing tends to go beyond simply being kind. You may go out of your way to do things for the people in your life based on what you think they want or need, and in turn, you give up your own time or energy to make sure they’re happy. So, how can we let go of these tendencies? In this episode, I will be explaining where people pleasing comes from and how to overcome the need to make everyone happy.

Listen in as I describe what will happen if you create something or decide to do something out of fear and how this can lead to a lifetime of sadness and fear. You will learn how to set clear boundaries for yourself (and others), how to let go of your old ways of thinking, and how to create new ways of caring for others.

In today’s episode I am unpacking:

  • What people pleasing is really about.
  • The importance of not...
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Who Is Your Master?

No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate one and love the other, or you will be devoted to one and despise the other.
You can not serve God and be enslaved to money”.

- Matthew 6:24

WHO is your MASTER?
WHAT REWARDS are you chasing down in your life?

When we worship things OF the world, we become puppets of the world.

We become slaves to our business.

We become slaves to our schedule.

We become slaves to what we “created” that has now taken over us. We think we are “in charge”, but we know who’s really holding the reigns.

And it isn’t you. If you slow down, if you let go, if you RELAX and follow your heart, there is a deep sense that it will all fall apart.

So you keep choosing. And you are always in FULL choice.

Sovereignty means to be FREE.

It is our natural BIRTHRIGHT to be free men and women, leaders delivering our unique gifts TO the world.

When you are devoted to the DIVINE - serving GOD...

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