Episode 128: Reflections from 2023 - Wisdom Earned!

Uncategorized Dec 27, 2023

Alright, let's get personal! I'm about to spill the beans on 10 lessons that lit up and shifted my world in 2023.

These lessons prepared me and paved the way for the road ahead. Wisdom, you know, can be acquired in one of two ways. The first is the hard way – these are the lessons we learn through challenging times, the fires we walk through that burn the old away and shape our character for the NEW.  This is where we are forced through the internal work required to become the person worthy of receiving and managing well the next chapter of life we are looking forward to.

The second way wisdom is passed on is by RECEIVING it from those who have gone before us: through mentorship, coaching, and hearing others experiences. The Key is actually receiving and applying it to be more than just entertainment! This way - we literally begin to collapse timelines and accelerate growth. We don’t have to struggle nearly as long or make it as hard as the ‘earned’...

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Episode 127: Focus On Things ABOVE, Not Below

Uncategorized Dec 20, 2023

What IS the secret sauce to attaining true peace and happiness? 


Today's conversation is designed to SHIFT your PERSPECTIVE and mental/emotional state any time you need to ‘snap out of it!”


At the time of recording, it's the holiday season. 


With that comes a time of connection, celebration and much needed rest for many…. for others, extreme loneliness, pain and added stress. 


Perhaps you are finding yourself on an emotional roller coaster this season. It’s easy to get caught up in what’s happening externally - family matters, logistical planning: who’s going where, financial pressures, who is no longer with us, stuff that needs to be bought. Memories that creep up. 


I was feeling it this morning! There were some heavy things on my heart I needed to work through. 


The recurring message?


Focus on things above, not earthly matters. 


But WHAT exactly does this...

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Episode 125: The Power of HUMAN Connection in Breaking Down Walls + Promoting Wellbeing

Uncategorized Dec 13, 2023

Today, I want to dive into the incredible power of human connection to bring about healing, transform mental and emotional health, expand our thinking, and break down those tough emotional walls.

Coming off our recent Visioneering retreat, I've been reflecting a ton on the incredible experience we had. Going through pictures, reminiscing about the deep conversations, it's just mind-blowing how much healing unfolded over that weekend. 

If you're feeling armored up, you know you have emotional barriers, are struggling with connection, or just sensing a need for healing, this episode is for you!

I'm a firm believer that when two or more gather, there's a supernatural power of healing. Today we are talking about neuroscience, mental health, and emotional health, but I also want to touch on the spiritual aspect of why gathering together is so essential!

Matthew 18:20 says, "For where two or more gather in my name, I am there with you." 

Gathering, sharing, being open and...

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Episode 125: LEGACY + IMPACT - 7 Things to Consider Beyond the Physical

Uncategorized Dec 06, 2023

What's IN a LEGACY? 

A legacy often thought of as generational wealth or personal property, that is left to future generations. However, beyond the legal and financial contexts, the term LEGACY refers to the lasting impact, influence, or contributions that a person makes during their lifetime, which will continue to have significance and value long after they are gone. 


YOUR Legacy is essentially what you leave behind as a mark of your existence and the imprint you make on the world!


Today I am inviting you to really dig and consider what is the imprint and lasting impact you are leaving on your children, your grandchildren, your employees, community and the world. EACH and every one of us is creating a legacy and each of us will leave one. 


The question is not IF we are leaving one, but WHAT IT IS. 

This is the perfect time to reflect, and if necessary REFOCUS ourselves to be more intentional about signature we are leaving on those...

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Episode 124: Fueled by Fire with Staci Wallace

Uncategorized Nov 29, 2023

Welcome back to the show, warriors! Today I am joined by a remarkable guest! Staci Wallace is an eight-time author, speaker who has shared the stage with 5 US presidents, and CEO of a global consulting and training company. I heard Staci speak at a recent engagement and the story of her and her husband Larry blew me away! This woman and couple know what it means to operate by KINGDOM standards! 


Today she shares her insights into what it means to be "fueled by fire" and how her journey as a kingdom entrepreneur has been shaped by a deep connection to the Holy Spirit. This a MUST listen.


Key Takeaways:

1: Fueled by Fire Defined:

  • Fueled by fire is being empowered by the Holy Spirit in all aspects of life, including business, marriage, and family.
  • We are called to be a light and representative of a greater kingdom in all endeavors of our lives from work to marriage to day to day living.

2: What is Kingdom Entrepreneurship?

  • Kingdom entrepreneurship bases business...
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Episode 123: Walking in Faith - Responding to Gods Call

Uncategorized Nov 22, 2023

As we gear up for 2024, let's challenge ourselves to embrace a new approach to visioning and goal-setting, looking inward to discern the vision God has for our lives and moving forward in tandem with the Spirit, taking courageous faith filled action.

How often do you find yourself asking:

What’s Next? 

What Now? 

How am I going to future this out? 

Today, we'll explore five profound ways that God CALLS us into the PURPOSE he has designed for us, and what he promises to deliver along the way. If you've ever grappled with distinguishing between your own desires and God's calling, you're not alone. We'll navigate this together, drawing insights from scripture, biblical accounts, personal stories and timeless principles!

Top 5 Takeaways:

  • God's Call to Go: Just as God called Abraham to leave the familiar and venture into the unknown, we are prompted to move when we are most comfortable. Pay attention to that inner knowing, the pull that says, "Go." Trust that God...
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Episode 122: Visioneering: Faith, Freedom + Fulfillment Part 1- NOT This Way

Uncategorized Nov 15, 2023

What does the next chapter of your life, the next year look like? 

What are you consciously creating and are you aware of what it takes to “get” there? 

Years ago, I broke the mold on traditional goal setting and year-end reviews, and I adopted a completely different way of visioneering my life, what I focused on, what the priorities were, how I would organize my time and my energy.


In today's episode, part one of a multi-part series on creating more freedom, fulfillment, and impact through faith, I want to share the five mistakes that I see many people making over and over again when they want to create a new future. They want to transform their marriage. They want to grow their business or get things into alignment, but they keep hitting a wall or recycling, repeating the past like Groundhog Day. 


What are the common mistakes  that have us driving in reverse over and over again?


I invite you to join today's conversation and...

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Episode 120: Mastering Your Environment for Optimal Performance + Flow

Uncategorized Nov 01, 2023

Is your current work/home environment working FOR you or against you? 


What if you could train yourself to be FULLY PRESENT and focused for RIGHT things at the right time? Where work, connecting with family, doing what’s required could be FUN rather than exhausting? 


What if instead of trying to handle “all” things poorly, leaving open loops 24/7, you could create a better system of operating?


Today I'm introducing a strategy I’ve implemented and am always refining  that is a game changer if you apply it! 


Curating the Environment that BEST supports us. 


As I've journeyed through the process of navigating my own overwhelm, I’ve come to realize the importance of intentional living


This means learning how to shift my environment often to BEST optimize the work at hand, designing my spaces with purpose, and creating areas that serve my well-being and mental peace.


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Episode 119: Redefining the Idea of Work

Uncategorized Oct 25, 2023

Today's topic that has been a game-changer in my own life: 

Redefining the definition of ‘work’ + clarifying what the most important work is.


It's a journey I embarked on a few years back when I hit my perfect storm – a time when everything in my business, my body, and my relationships came to a total burndown moment.  For years, I had been ‘working my butt off’, trying to fit more and more into my already overstuffed life - never quite living up to my expectations. Disappointed. Exhausted. Overwhelmed. Something had to give…


But I had so much more WORK to do. How would I ever get it all done? 


From the ashes, I discovered a profound truth: when we change the way we think and redefine our ideas around success, everything else falls into place.


In today’s episode I am unpacking...

  • What if we've got work all wrong? 
  • Debunking the idea that work has to be hard...
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Episode 118: BECOME the CEO of Yourself with Brent Pohlman

Uncategorized Oct 18, 2023

Today’s episode is all about becoming the CEO of yourself - first and foremost.


Today I am joined by a man I have come to have much respect and appreciation for, Brent Polhman. 


This guy shows up. Daily. 

Consistency is definitely one of his superpowers! 

He is a father, husband and President / CEO of Midwest Laboratories, as well as the author of "Leaders Look Within”.


Today’s conversation kicks right off with us addressing some of the top questions I get from leaders, specifically:



  • How do I attract and keep the right people?
  • How do I know who I can trust and what’s the key there to building great teams?



We also delve into


  • Navigating Cancel Culture
    • Staying true to your values and beliefs even in the face of cancel culture.
    • Authenticity and integrity resonate with the right people. 
  • The Power of Consistency + Intentionality
  • How Tracking Discomfort Daily has Changed his...
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