Episode 19: WHO IS your MASTER?

spiritual growth Nov 24, 2021

In this episode I unpack some key questions and practical ways to check in with ourselves:

  •  WHO is your MASTER?
  •  WHAT is your ALLEGIANCE to?
  •  WHAT REWARDS are you chasing in your life?
  •   HOW to quickly get a pulse +  CHECK and SEE where our loyalty lies

I invite you to join me in today’s conversation and remember 

At any given point in time, you can DECIDE to shift your ALLEGIANCE.

To learn more about private or group coaching, apply here. https://linktr.ee/christinejewell

Connect with Christine!

  • Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thechristinejewell
  • Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thechristinejewell
  • LinkedIn: https://ca.linkedin.com/in/christine-jewell-9361612a
  • YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCauEds9jbgKCbJMZHjwEMug
  • Website: https://thechristinejewell.com/
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Episode 18: Wishy Washy Faith... Do YOU Have It?

spiritual growth Nov 17, 2021

Today I am talking to those of you who KNOW you are here on this earth at this TIME in history, not only to satisfy your personal desires, but to help +serve HUMANITY.

My brothers and sisters - fellow Warriors of the HEART,

Your FULL PRESENCE is required right now to SHIFT the tides of the human heart and that’s going to require you play full out in your spiritual walk.


  • We are not going to do this in the physical world alone. The physical world moves slowly.
  • Definitely not through force (we are seeing where all this is going). This never lasts.
  • Definitely not through ‘logic’ and debates. That never works and is simply a tool to distract and suck energy from us


We are going to DO this, BE a part of this - in the SPIRITUAL first, as well as the physical. 


In this episode I am asking some TOUGH Questions that came up for me as I was - and continue to be REFINED in my spiritual walk. 


I invite you LISTEN IN today and SHARE...

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Episode 17: Redefining “Family LEGACY”

relationships Nov 10, 2021


Today’s episode of the UNTAMED Life Podcast is actually a recording I brought back from last Family Day 2021. It was a day that REALLY moved me and had me asking myself some raw, real questions.

AM I at PEACE with the baton I am passing ON to my children?

Have I done my part in BREAKING General patterns of abuse, betrayal, abandonment and scarcity so they don’t have that same program running?

Have I DEMONSTRATED for them to honour and respect themselves? To cultivate DEEP Meaningful relationships?

Have I EQUIPPED them with the essential skills, spiritual weapons and everyday tools to lead extraordinary lives?

Have I BUILT them up in their CORE IDENTITIES so they are unshakable in the storms of life?

This is a powerful discussion.

One I INVITE you to have and join me in today’s episode.

What are you PASSING ON to your children? Generational patterns or NEW reality?

To learn more about private or group coaching, apply here. https://linktr.ee/christinejewell


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Episode 16: Rebuilding from RUINS ~ Lessons From ITALY

Join me in todays’ episode of the UNTAMED LIFE where I dive into this impromptu convo on:

  • Life Lessons from Italy! Rebuilding from the RUINS of the PAST.
  • How to navigate the waters when God has his plans and they look nothing like our own..
  • Creating MEMORABLE trips and adventures that you’ll find yourself talking about for the rest of your life..
  • What our KIDS really care about. (It isn’t iphones, laptops and fancy hotels)

To learn more about private or group coaching, apply here. https://linktr.ee/christinejewell

Connect with Christine!

  • Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thechristinejewell
  • Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thechristinejewell
  • LinkedIn: https://ca.linkedin.com/in/christine-jewell-9361612a
  • YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCauEds9jbgKCbJMZHjwEMug
  • Website: https://thechristinejewell.com/
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Episode 15: Are you CLOSED off to DEEPER LOVE + Intimacy?

If you have been desiring MORE intimacy, connection and trust - this podcast is for you my loves.

In this episode I dive into this and so much more!

  • The GAMES we play with each other
  • When Conditional, Transactional Giving has become the ‘norm’
  • Symptoms of a CLOSED Heart
  • 3 Things that CLOSE a HEART and BLOCKS us from receiving this type of Love, Intimacy and Connection
  • HOW to DISSOLVE a Hardened heart in order to ACCESS DEEPER LOVE



Make sure you check out these timestamps: 


5:57   A closed heart is closed from both GIVING + RECEIVING

6:50   Transactional Giving

8:06   The “Program” that messes with our heads - Did I EARN this? Did I DO enough to receive this kind of love?

11:11  Our first loves, our mother and father 

11:40  Hot & Cold Love

13:00  When we are wondering and waiting for the “ulterior” motive

15:20  We are Putting on a show and performing in our relationships


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Episode 14: Cultivating PRESENCE with Mark Jewell

leadership relationships Oct 20, 2021

In today’s episode I have a special guest with me. 

This MAN is the KING of PRESENCE. He has been a role model for me.

He has taught me so much about what it means to HOLD SPACE, to LISTEN, to ASK questions and simply be curious about life itself.

It brings me great joy to bring you today's podcast, alongside my husband, Mark Jewell.

In addition to being an incredible husband, father, son, friend, and MASTER of NAPS, 

He is the founder of Thrive Today which is THE Life Coaching Company for Corporate America.

If there is ONE Guiding Principle for Mark that he lives by, PRESENCE is it. 

In today’s episode we share:

  • The Addiction to Data + Information
  • RECLAIMING our TIME + Energy
  • How WE Personally Cultivate PRESENCE everyday, throughout the day
  • Practical ways to become more AWARE in the moment
  • The Three Game Changing C’s: Clarity, Certainty and Capacity
  • Presence is an INSIDE JOB

To learn more about private or group coaching, apply here....

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Episode 13: Where do I Belong? The Tension between Two Worlds Is REAL!

Where do I Belong? The Tension between Two Worlds Is REAL!

In this Episode, inspired by EPISODE 11 - (How to NAVIGATE Seasons of Change without Losing your MIND)

I unpack

  • The SPACE between two worlds
  • The VOID - what to DO when it feels like nothing is happening?!
  • Not WHO I used to be, Not Sure WHO I am called to BE
  • Where are you TAKING ME?
  • When the ANSWERS “Don’t Come”
  • Are you Negotiating with God and making Deals with the “Devil” inside
  • the QUICK START, Firecracker who was told to SHUT UP. SIT DOWN. BE STILL
  • My Personal Journey as I share posts I wrote along the way

To learn more about private or group coaching, apply here. https://linktr.ee/christinejewell

Connect with Christine!

  • Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thechristinejewell
  • Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thechristinejewell
  • LinkedIn: https://ca.linkedin.com/in/christine-jewell-9361612a
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Episode 12: Breaking FREE of Performance Pressure

overcoming adversity Oct 06, 2021

Ahhh, the PRESSURE is for REAL!

The pressure to keep up. The pressure to stay ahead of the game ON TOP of your GAME.

The pressure to measure up. The pressure to KEEP Expanding

The pressure IN our minds, Our bodies…. It’s a REAL thing.

Just IMAGINE if you could SHOW UP and truly bring ALL of you to...

> your business, 

> your family, 

> your team 

ALL WHILE being able to experience a sense of CALM in the “CHAOS”, EASE in your body and FREEDOM in your mind?

What would CHANGE in your life if you could show up that way consistently?

In this Episode I unpack PERFORMANCE PRESSURE and How to Flip the Pressure Switch!

  • WHAT is it?
  • WHERE does it Come FROM?
  • What is DRIVING it and creating this crazy ADDICTION to it?

AND because I always like to bring you REAL LIFE practical tools to implement I shared: 

  • 5 Steps to SHIFT out of the PRESSURE
  • Where to BEGIN! 

To learn more about private or group coaching, apply here....

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Episode 11: Know your SEASON. Know your GAME Plan.

spiritual growth Sep 29, 2021

“To everything there is a season, A time for every purpose under heaven”

In this episode I unpack: 

  • What ARE the SEASONS of Life?
  • How to tell which season you are in NOW
  • Relationship seasons, work seasons and yes - seasons of HEALTH
  • How to MOVE through these transitions with more ease and less friction

To learn more about private or group coaching, apply here. https://linktr.ee/christinejewell

Connect with Christine!

  • Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thechristinejewell
  • Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thechristinejewell
  • LinkedIn: https://ca.linkedin.com/in/christine-jewell-9361612a
  • YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCauEds9jbgKCbJMZHjwEMug
  • Website: https://thechristinejewell.com/
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Episode 10: My Greatest RELATIONSHIP Failures + PRICELESS Lessons!

In this episode I am holding nothing back. 

I am getting RAW and REAL with you on my greatest relationship failures and the priceless lessons that TRANSFORMED the way I operate IN relationships.

In this episode I unpack: 

  • 25+ years of recycling the SAME relationship issues with different people - emotional unavailability, competition, betrayal, mistrust, lack of support and so much more
  • The BREAKING POINT that finally had me say ENOUGH is ENOUGH and launched me into a WHOLE NEW Playing FIELD
  • The HUMBLING and Game Changing Road to Upgrading my Relationship Beliefs + Operating System
  • HOW I show up completely different as Partner today - no longer coming from a place of lack or fear, but of a true lover, partner and co-creator

To learn more about private or group coaching, apply here. https://linktr.ee/christinejewell

Connect with Christine!

  • Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thechristinejewell
  • Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thechristinejewell
  • LinkedIn:...
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