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Another layer of a MANS HEART has been revealed to me
This morning I was reminded once again with laser PRECISION that a MAN’s heart is fierce, loving, passionate and…
Territorial. ♥

Let me explain.

I believe a MAN’s heart is a reflection of GOD’s own Masculine heart.
Lately, the Masculine HEART of God has been pursuing me like wildfire
His words coming through me loud and clear.
I want to lead you.
I want to show up for you.
I want to come through for you.
I want to support you, provide for you
and be your ROCK.
Most importantly I want you to TRUST me

Men, can you relate here?

His heart goes on....
I AM the fortress to your garden
I AM the shelter to your storms,
The direction in the midst of chaos ,
The structure that allows you to FLOW,
Like the banks of a river holding you firmly
when you roar wildly or move gracefully
I AM the LOVER, Leader, Protector you have been seeking.
I WANT ALL of you.
Not part of you.
Not some of you,
Not some...

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Who Is Your Master?

No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate one and love the other, or you will be devoted to one and despise the other.
You can not serve God and be enslaved to money”.

- Matthew 6:24

WHO is your MASTER?
WHAT REWARDS are you chasing down in your life?

When we worship things OF the world, we become puppets of the world.

We become slaves to our business.

We become slaves to our schedule.

We become slaves to what we “created” that has now taken over us. We think we are “in charge”, but we know who’s really holding the reigns.

And it isn’t you. If you slow down, if you let go, if you RELAX and follow your heart, there is a deep sense that it will all fall apart.

So you keep choosing. And you are always in FULL choice.

Sovereignty means to be FREE.

It is our natural BIRTHRIGHT to be free men and women, leaders delivering our unique gifts TO the world.

When you are devoted to the DIVINE - serving GOD...

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I see you.

Uncategorized Jan 21, 2021

Dear Warrior,

I have SEEN your hard work,
I have HEARD your voice asking for direction,
I have FELT your LONGING for MORE…
Even though you aren’t quite sure what that longing is.
I see you.
I hear you.
I feel you, and I AM HERE.
I AM responding to you
I AM acknowledging your deepest desire.
The answers and direction you seek are here,
The doors you’ve been looking for are ready to be opened 🗝 if you’re willing
The rest for your body, the love for your heart, the courage for your mission...
Are here.

I come in the form of OPPORTUNITY.

I come quietly, discreetly
Like a whisper flowing through your ear,
Like a flutter beating faster in your chest
Like an invitation pulling you closer to me
Can you see me my silhouette ?
Can you hear my delicate call?
Can you sense my presence moving within you and around you?
You’ve been asking for a long time.
Are you willing to RECEIVE me when I offer myself to you?
I don’t push, force or demand you to join me....
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A New Era Is upon us...

Uncategorized Jan 21, 2021

Dear Warrior,

A New Era Is upon us

One where we can no longer play the games of the past.
Where total transparency, honour and TRUST will BE the norm for those who want to LIVE RICH lives.
Where deep conviction, inner knowing and DEVOTION
Become the FUEL that drive us forward ,
Instead of the superficial striving, competition and chasing we have come to know so well.
This NEW world will require a new type of warrior,
A MAN who is grounded, calm and fierce
A MAN who has come to know the POWER that lies In his heart,
the LEADERSHIP that only comes from being in Service to the SPIRIT
And the INNER PEACE & LOVE that comes from restoring the relationship
Between the masculine and feminine.

This NEW Era will call us to a different kind of BATTLE.

You will no longer feel the need to be in a constant
Fight with yourself, with others, with time,
energy or money.
Old battle tactics will no longer work
In fact, they will be the very things that throw you
off course,...
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TO the MAN who is HUNGRY and WONDERING...

Uncategorized Jan 21, 2021

What ELSE is out there for me?
Because I KNOW in my bones, there is more to life than this.

Beyond all the sex,
Beyond all the power,
Beyond all the authority
Beyond all the achievements
All the toys, homes and money in my accounts.
If that is ALL there Is,
WHY is there still a void inside, longing and waiting to be FILLED with “something” elusive?
If my marriage or the women I’ve met are so great, WHY is there a desire for deep affection that has never been satisfied?
If my business has created so much wealth, WHY am I still striving and restless in my body?
Even with ALL I have, what is missing?
WHY the nagging thought that there’s MORE out there, but I don’t know what that is.
Why the HUNGER for more excitement in my SOUL?
Because my Dear Warrior,
YOU We’re created to walk through different gates and PLAY in a different REALM.
⚜️🌎 ⚜️
You have tried the Gates of the physical work and logical mind, and those gates have led to...
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Uncategorized Jan 21, 2021


And this is what has inspired me to write this love note, from the Feminine to the Masculine.

I believe in the Sovereign MASCULINE and that our world needs you now more than ever.

I believe in the goodness that lies in your heart. I believe in the strength that you carry for others. I believe that you are created ON purpose, as a MAN IN your amazing musculature, stature and structure because only you possess the ability to protect, lead and guide us.


I believe you deeply honour and respect the feminine. That every bone in your body wants to protect her and witness her shine in all her delight and radiance.


I believe it brings you great pleasure to allow ALL her power of creation to flow, and her BEAUTY to be fully revealed.
It is SHE that brings forth LIFE in all things and It is HER whisper than can mobilize a thousand men.


This is why she has been silenced, This is why she has been persecuted and attacked.


This is WHY...
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The TRUTH no one is telling you

Uncategorized Nov 05, 2020

I am coming to you Raw, Real, and Unfiltered today ON purpose for a purpose 

I WANT to support you in breaking past this (B.S.) loop you keep finding yourself in because I know in my bones you are divinely created to experience heaven on earth. 

I know that sounds a little far fetched, and I also know in my soul this IS what is possible for you. A loving, connected, and trusting relationship. Meaningful connections. Purpose Filled Work that lights you up. A body that is vibrant, energized, and looks/feels amazing to be in! A spirit that is fully at EASE.

We are designed to experience the fullness of life. And yet so many of us are SETTLING for this place of “partial joy”.  

Partial Fulfillment. Partial health & vitality - when the whole is available to us! 

You might be asking yourself

“What on earth is going on with me?” 

“WHY do I still struggle with this constant feeling of being alone and unable...

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The Longest and Most Fulfilling Journey

There is an old Sioux proverb that says:  

 “The longest journey in your LIFE is the journey from your HEAD to your HEART”  

There is so much truth in this.  

I fundamentally believe you will NEVER be able to experience true success, fulfillment, peace, or lasting joy without making this critical 18-inch journey.  

As high achievers we’ve bought into a program that teaches success is all about mastering our “mindset” yet I call total BULLS***T!  

You can’t master your mind if you’re STUCK in it all the time.

In order to “master” your mindset, it requires you step OUT of your head, away from the noise, distraction, illusions, and become the observer and director of it.

Yet, we refuse to take time to sit still, pull out, and go to the depths of where the true magic lies.   We end up just fighting against ourselves the whole way through “willpower” and “force”...

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Who do I get to be when I am fully trusting time?

Uncategorized Sep 16, 2020

So Many of us Struggle with this idea and FEAR of not having enough time, being behind, or time working against us.

I get it. I have recently had a massive upgrade in this area as I started to unpack some old money beliefs that were hanging around in my sphere. 

What I realized was that it wasn't really about the MONEY... It was about my relationship with TIME. 

I didn't fully TRUST time. 

The truth is that a lot of the money crap that was coming up, was really just time crap.

So - as I commit to rising in my own higher level of service, I asked myself the same questions I ask my clients and assist them through... 

Who do I get to be when I am fully trusting time?

When I'm fully trusting time, fully trusting GOD to support and guide me?

When I am fully trusting time I AM

I am relaxed when clients come and go because I know there are always more coming in at each season.  The seasons of where they are and where I am. I am serving those who are ready to...

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I have done it!

Uncategorized Aug 18, 2020

I have done it!!  After 10+ years, I have decided to take the bold, scary and exciting LEAP and close down a chapter of my life to make room for something new that has been brewing in my heart.

We all have moments where we feel this CALL to ADVENTURE, where our heart is tugging at us so intensely to make a change or pursue a new direction, yet so few of us actually take the BIG LEAP when it comes time to jump.

That’s exactly why I wanted to share my story with you.

Just over 10 years ago now, I was sitting there, freshly divorced with my kids: 3,5 and 7 at the time, and had no idea how I was going to support them. I was going through a terrible separation and had little to no income coming in.

My heart wanted to pursue my dream of opening a health & wellness studio, but I literally had NO money and no credit, so this seemed like an impossible idea. I was about to head back into the corporate space when a client of mine said something that pushed me off the ledge!


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