How to RELEASE the Anxiety and Pressure that’s building inside and instead... BE more AT EASE and CALM

Uncategorized Apr 23, 2020

How to RELEASE the Anxiety and Pressure that’s building inside and instead... BE more AT EASE and CALM!

Or maybe you’re stuck in a loop thinking the BEST days are behind you?

Think again. Here’s what’s really robbing you of your calm and joy + some better questions you can ask yourself today

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Uncategorized Apr 06, 2020


In Fact - It pisses a lot of people off and scares them away…


That’s because I am here to get my people a FAST BREAKTHROUGH.


Most of my clients come to me because there is something VERY specific...

They are going through that is causing them a GREAT deal of discomfort . There is some pain…physical, mental or emotional.

Some complacency that needs to be KICKED to the curb.

A relationship, a job change, a move, a transition in LIFE.

They are ready to CHANGE NOW. Not in a year.




Want to Learn to Swim FAST? THROW them in the water…

Want to Learn to FLY Higher? PUSH them out of the comfortable nest…

Want to WALK through a NEW Door? Kick them through the opening when it presents itself….

Want to MOVE past the repetitive shit that really holds you back?


Someone HAS to ASK the challenging hard questions that no one else...

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Is your DESIRE ATTRACTING or REPELLING what you actually want?

Uncategorized Mar 21, 2020

Is your DESIRE ATTRACTING or REPELLING what you actually want?


Every DESIRE stems from one of two things and we MUST be so careful of which we use as fuel. One will LITERALLY STRIP you clean of what it is you want to call into your life, while the other acts as a MAGNET pulling that dream towards you.


If your DESIRE does not match your REALITY... watch this!

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The "Hard" Truth About Manifesting Your Desires...

Uncategorized Feb 28, 2020

THE “HARD” TRUTH ABOUT “MANIFESTING” YOUR DESIRES & what the heck’s IS manifesting anyway?

First off let’s clarify what Manifesting even means...

To Manifest something simply means to make APPEAR to the eyes what was ALREADY there .

Interesting. ALL we desire is HERE the whole time, yet we can’t see it. We are BLIND to see, feel, hear, experience it.

We simply can’t create what we desire unless we are OPEN to SEE it.

Here’s what I often hear from clients, people etc who want to manifest a new reality ....

“How LONG will it take?”

“Can I still ..... (do my old stuff) and Be Open to Receive my Soulmate?”
(READ. I want to keep doing what I know isn’t working while getting what I want) ‍

“How will I KNOW if this will work? I don’t want to put all this time into something and it doesn’t work!?”

“I’ve TRIED for so long, and nothing is changing for me.”


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Are You Chasing Love? ❤️

Uncategorized Feb 13, 2020

We ALL need and crave love. It’s innate, embedded in our DNA and coding. We were CREATED for it by our creator and there is this gaping hole inside of us, waiting to be filled in connection with something greater.

And yet… so few people truly get to experience the feeling of it - unconditionally without transactions.

This past year, God has taught me much about love and what it feels like to be connected to unconditional love.

If you are LOOKING for LOVE from anywhere other than inside of you - YOUR HEART, YOUR SOUL, YOUR Connection to God... you are not looking for love.

You are seeking attachment, significance, approval, control, ownership, validation of your worth and value.

You will never FIND what is missing inside of you. You will never be able to GIVE what is not inside of you.

In order to CREATE the LOVE you desire, it starts within.

When you are FULL of LOVE it radiates from you. Your vessel is SO FULL it is abundant and HAS to SPILL out of you.

It literally oozes...

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I am NOT Setting Goals for 2020

Uncategorized Jan 04, 2020

I am NOT setting any Goals for 2020.

In fact, I am turning everything I USED to DO upside down and inside out right now.

In the past I have always rushed into the new year setting a new vision, making aggressive goals and figuring out EXACTLY how I was going to achieve them.

I attacked the new year in relentless pursuit of the “NEXT” thing.

I LOVED setting goals.

I loved the rush of chasing something and knowing there would be very little that could stand in my way.

Sometimes the goal was

getting a PB in a half marathon...

Or Competing in a tough Half Ironman...

In the business - breaking $50k months, then hitting $60k then Chasing down $70k per month...

With my health, it was making sure my body fat % stayed WELL under 19-20%

You get it.

I was in a constant chase. Hustling. Focused. HUNGRY.

That OLD blueprint of hustling, grinding, chasing, setting goals and stopping at nothing served me... for a LONG time.

It allowed me to SURVIVE and OVERCOME so much and for that I am...

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How to NOT let OLD TOXIC relationships into your NEW one

Uncategorized Nov 24, 2019


Toxic relationships are super hard to deal with when you're in them, but it's also super hard to deal with the repercussions of these toxic relationships.

SO how do we deal with them? And how do we not bring them into new relationships? 

To start, we all carry baggage. Baggage is a term commonly used to describe the emotional sh*t we take with us wherever we go. It holds us back and drags us down, and it drags our loved ones down too.

In the podcast I equated "baggage" to a backpack full of rocks. (jump to 2:20) the rocks are our past traumas and the more rocks we have the heavier it gets. (Because emotional baggage is VERY heavy)

When we get out of an old relationship we pack up all of our rocks hunker down and say "ON TO THE NEXT ONE" so when we come along our next relationship we hand over our giant bag of rocks and say "here you go, good luck!"

And that's a funny visual, but in's not so funny. We expect our new partner to take on this heavy bag of...

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What USED to work for you might the VERY THING holding you Back Right Now

Uncategorized Aug 22, 2019

Ever feel like what USED to WORK is NO LONGER Working?

Is the VERY THING that USED to get you RESUTS, is now not delivering the same outcomes? In fact.... it may be sucking up so much of your mental, physical and emotional energy for the return you are getting.

It can be super frustrating and confusing!

What GIVES? 

The OLD Operating System: NO PAIN, NO GAIN

When we were younger we bought into the idea that if we hustle, and work our asses off, and harness the "no pain, no gain" kind of mentality that we will GET RESULTS.

In athletics, in business, in life - this was the golden rule I certainly was exposed to.

AND... IT WORKED. For the most part.

I hustled. I grinded. I PUSHED through pain. In fact I LOVED the struggle. That's where all the GLORY was. 

I NEEDED the Pain and Fear as a launching pad to take ACTION and MOTIVATE me.

I NEEDED the STRUGGLE in order to EXPERIENCE the bliss in the reward.  That was what I NEEDED to go through back then and it...

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The LIES we believe about Relationships

Uncategorized Aug 19, 2019

As a high-performance coach, I hear a lot about how relationships are hard work.

Or that we need to sacrifice things that matter to us and compromise who we are to have this amazing, kickass relationship.

Even, that we need to struggle for a long time together and come out stronger to be the power couple that we want to be.

But the people that are saying these things and show it off on social media...are bullshit. Or they are gearing towards a different audience and maybe that kind of lifestyle or relationship style isn't fit for you and your partner.

A BIG one I hear from people is that "I don't deserve a relationship like that." But where does that come from?

We see things as challenges, and what do we do when we are presented with a challenge? We want to overcome it or fix the problem. And the "problem" in this scenario is our relationships.

We want to be FIXERS

We get sucked into the belief that the fighting and the conflict is an essential part of the growth of our...

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Getting out of your HEAD, and into your HEART


 Sometimes we feel that we are being called to go somewhere and do something, but our head can get in the way.

We get stuck in our old ways and our brains get into this groove, and these comfort zones. And our brains really like comfort zones

BUT those patterns and comfort zones aren't healthy, so what can we do to stop those patterns?

I talked in the video about checking and reevaluating our vision, and how that can really determine how we approach our life and our business.

Cutting back on patterns that hold us back is going to help us so much in the long run because...
What got you to where you are now is not going to get you to where you really want to be.

When we are stuck in our heads, that creates a really limited space for us to operate from.

So when we lean into our hearts we start to see great things come about. God sees our efforts and gives us results even though we may not see it right away or even expect it.

As soon as we learn to lean into...

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