Struggling with Motivation?

Uncategorized Dec 22, 2016

It’s the start of the week! Do you know what you are working towards this week? Are you excited about hitting the ground running, rocking your body, nourishing yourself and just all around having a kick ass week?

The start of the week is a great time to do a check in with yourself and be INTENTIONAL about what you want for yourself in the next 7 days.  Instead of waking up and going through the motions each day I want you to take 10-20 minutes and think about how you want to STEER your day and your week.

What ACTIONS do you want to take to get you closer to your health & fitness goals? 
What about your personal goals or personal life?
What about your business goals or career?

When you are intentional about what you eat, how you move and what you do.. some pretty awesome things start happening. You FEEL different. You FEEL like you are making headway and that is empowering. 

So this week let’s make a goal to be intentional.  Decide right now what...

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Willpower: Want MORE of it?

Uncategorized Dec 21, 2016

Today I want to ask you a question- how many of you are struggling with WILLPOWER? 

How many of you think that willpower is what's holding you back from achieving your goals? 

So that is the question, it comes up a lot in my coaching sessions when I'm meting 1:1 with clients and it just came up again at the wrap up of our 21 Day Challenge! So often what will happen is people will say "I just don't have any willpower when it comes to this one thing"- fill in the blank for yourself- what's your one thing? Last week as I was asking the 21 Day Challenge participants what are you going to do moving forward? A lot of them said "I am just going to practice willpower of staying discipline and sticking to it even when I'm faced with all these temptations". And I kinda called them out on this and we had a great discussion so I wanted to share that with you guys today...

I wanted to talk about this topic of willpower and I think it is COMPLETELY...

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